Visual Essays.
2.5 Maps, Stats and Infographics

Data, statistics and graphs on
screen using motion graphics, and
found audio.

TakePart: Participant Media - Waiting For 'Superman' - Infographic from Jorge R. Canedo E. on Vimeo.

Created by American production company
Buck. This is a brilliant use of limited
colours, bold text, and reappearing motifs,
using circles as a mechanism for transitions and
as basis of design icons.

Gettysburg Address from Adam Gault on Vimeo.

Adam Gault, in a beautifully rendered
responso to audio. One of a number of 
popular, essay-style motion graphics
pieces created around 2008-2011.

James Braithwaite - I Met the Walrus from POCKO on Vimeo.

Hand-rendered responses to audio using
boiling techniques, illustrator artwork,
vectors and hand drawn illustration. I love
evidence of edges, numbers, and original hand
drawn details in this work.

CNN Colorscope: Green from Jorge R. Canedo E. on Vimeo.

One of a series of movies produced for CNN,
each by a different animators or studios, and
each with its own colour theme. This is one
of my favourites, created by Jorge R. Canedo E. 
who also created Take Part, my first

Bill Maher - Irritable Bowl Syndrome from Cub Studio on Vimeo.

Fraser Davidson’s take on American NFL Football,
lots of details, and in particular his bouncing
effects on text, 3D flips, and a subtle motion
style designed to bring text in with effect, and
repeats for legibility, and production.

What Barry Says from North Boy South on Vimeo.

What Barry Says, an early version of self-
authored work by Simon Robson, formerly of
Knife Party. Political, and visual, this work
sets tones for much of what was to follow,
and was a seminal piece of work in defining
motion graphics as unique and political,
self-authored, as well as client based.

Nexus studios, because I love them:

The Truth about Algorithms, by RSA shorts,
RSA has commissioned brilliant animations,
centred around themes in their work. This I
love, about algorithms, in its contents and
its visual styles.

Copyright © 2023
University of Huddersfield
Sara Nesteruk